A Brighter You

Seasonal changes can give us a needed opportunity to reflect on ourselves. Spring is one such season that can inspire us to shed what no longer serves us. Spring can symbolize growth, renewal and rejuvenation. A mindful moment along with some self-care tools may be just what you need to spring forward.

Gift yourself a few times a day with kind and compassionate words.

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

By Raspberry Rock ASMR

Come with me on an ASMR adventure at our off-grid cabin, Raspberry Rock, a 180 acres of natural beauty in Eastern Ontario that awakens the senses, calms the mind, rejuvenates the body and soothes the spirit.I share with you my insights and experiences on becoming present in the moment that translates to wellness and well-being. I do this through podcasts that explore and encourage being balanced within yourself. I also do this through videos, using the natural tranquil setting of Raspberry Rock. The journey here is forever winding, which is about mindfulness and about being in the moment which creates well-being for YOU!