Mindful Reflections

Self-awareness ~ Intention ~ Renewal

Body, Mind, Spirit

Raspberry Rock ASMR is a place of relaxation, calm and rejuvenation. It inspires me to share with you ways in which I intentionally create my own spiritual renewal.

Space and Place

This space is for reflective moments. They are my adventures in living a simple life between two worlds – Raspberry Rock’s off grid cabin and the city. May my reflections give you pause, encouraging your own inner self-awareness that is mindful and in the moment.

Your support system

Winter woods

Let your self-resilience be your inner superpower in times of uncertainty

February 13, 2022

Do you ever feel anxious? I do. It occurs in reaction to something that has happened or been said to me. Not only do I mentally feel anxious, but certain body parts also become tense. Depending on what body part is feeling out of sorts, my trigger points are my hips, wrists, or my chest. Not a good feeling, especially if it lasts for days. Being in an emotional state of flux, coupled with physical constraints is not a nice way to live for any extended period. I know that it compromises my overall well-being, and I don’t like it one bit. So, how do I cope when I find myself in these situations? I build a support system to help me get through those dark times.

Get it out of your system

My support system starts with me. This means I need to settle down my brain that is screaming at me to flee or fight the situation I’m facing. I was watching a video yesterday, and the person spoke of stressor points that can adversely affect you. Did you know that there is a stress inventory tool which measures the amount of stress you’ve experienced recently? It’s called the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale. It assigns certain points to life events, such as changing jobs, moving into a new residence, divorce and a whole host of other events. After completing the assessment, your final score indicates a low, moderate, or high chance of these life events impacting your health and not in a good way. It’s not meant to stress you out! It’s meant to help you move towards responding effectively to these stressors.

There is a lot of information, resources, and services out there. It can be overwhelming as to where to begin. The same video I was referring to and an article I recently read, spoke about simply starting with the breath. I did some deep belly breathing for 60 seconds to calm down my nervous system. Journaling is also my go-to. For some reason, when I spill everything out on those pages, I do feel a sense of calm. Acknowledging my feelings, emotions and thoughts gets it out my system; whether it be breathing, journaling, exercise, it is a healthy way for me to cope. What is right for me, may not be suitable for you.

Getting it of my system also means talking with a good friend, family member or health professional.  I surround myself with people that will not prolong the situation for me. It’s hard enough that I’m experiencing it; I don’t need a friend to belabour it. Sometimes, a friendly ear is all I need.

Disclaimer: Stress-management techniques have been shown to have a positive effect on reducing stress. The few that I mention here are for guidance only. Seek the advice of a qualified health professionals if stress is causing significant or persistent unhappiness.

Treat every day as a good day

It’s easy for me to say it will all be better. During crisis, it seems unbelievable that the situation will get better. We are all different and no one knows what I or you are going through during these times of unrest. This is where I access my inner strength and tell myself, today is a good day. I have my health, my basic needs are met, I am loved by me. Self-care and the power of positivity is so important during times of unease. I might not be in the mood to exercise, my appetite may be sparse, my sleep may not be the best – it’s during these times of unrest that looking after myself is vital in carrying me through whatever comes my way.

Let your self-resilience be your inner superpower in times of uncertainty.

Inspiring thought:

This week, take important steps to make positive change in your life.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

Transformational changes in life

No matter what life throws at you, thrive to make positive change that does you good.

January 16, 2022

A lot of change happened for me throughout 2021. Each of these changes brought about a more settled feeling to my body, mind, and spirit. Most of the times when I undergo change, it’s a bit unsettling at first, but then I become accustomed to whatever needs to occur. You could say, I underwent a transformational change in my life that has led me glow inside and out – I moved. Yup, nothing earth shattering. I simply moved from one home to another. It has brought me peace, happiness, and ease. Now wouldn’t it be wonderful if life changes could always make us feel this way! That would be way too easy, and we know that life isn’t always easy. I’ve also come to realize that in some circumstances, transformational change doesn’t happen over night and can take days, months or even years to be realized. I have also discovered that if I want to a specific kind of change to occur in my life, it’s necessary to keep visualizing that it will indeed come true.

It starts with a spark

Creating a more positive life, means going beyond the status quo and changing they you live. When I knew that I wanted to move, I started to purge my basement. It took me two years to complete this task. Over the years, I had accumulated a lot of stuff and there were memories that went along with it. If it was hidden in a box and I never looked at it, then why was I holding on to it? Each time I dropped off items to the recycling depot or to a donation centre, I felt a little bit lighter.  I took a break from the basement and moved through each room, imagining that I was getting ready to move. There was no more stockpiling food, household goods or other such things. Some mornings I would envision myself peacefully eating breakfast in my new home. That little spark helped me believe that I could live life differently and one that I deserved.

Go beyond the way you live

We each hold different life situations. A complete overhaul of life seems like a lofty ideal. Is my life perfect? No. Am I completely happy? No. I was able to transform what I could to make my life work for me? Yes. There were many days when I thought my world was going backward, rather than forward. It seemed like the universe knew when the time was right for me to transform. Looking to change what you can in your life, doesn’t have to be earthshattering. Consider these small steps:

  • Spark your fire – Dig deep within yourself to light up a burning desire to make a difference in your life and don’t let the fire go out; let it sustain you
  • Goodbye doom and gloom – Refresh your perspective with an energizing outlook that invigorates your mind with a sense of renewal
  • Internal makeover – Do a bit of introspection and get to know the real you that is not defined by your job, your partner, your material possessions, etc. Work on being your authentic self that is true to you
  • Create a plan – Where do you want to be in your life and what needs to happen to get you there
  • Ready, set, go! – Start living your transformed life now through your words, behaviour, and attitude; regular encouraging words of self-talk helps motivate you in the right direction
  • Be thankful – Each day give thanks for one thing in your life and let that feel good feeling travel throughout your being to minimize daily stressors, opening more opportunities to receive more in your life

No matter what life throws at you, thrive to make positive change that does you good.

Inspiring thought:

Encourage a better life by taking some small actions today – YOU GOT THIS!

Wishing you a wonderful week!

-Raspberry Rock ASMR