Mindful Reflections

Cocooning at home

Cocooning is an opportunity to do something or simply nothing at, that is just for you.

December 19, 2020

Friday nights in the city are precious to me. As I trek through the parking lot and approach my car, I open the door, seat myself in the driver’s seat and even before I insert the car keys into the ignition, I let out a big, long sigh, signifying the close of the work week. As I weave through the traffic, my shoulders begin to relax, and my mind loosens its vice grips. The garage door opens, the car slips into its parking spot and I enter the house. As I shut the door behind me, I do a bit of a happy dance. In my mind, I have shut the world out and I am in my own little cocoon for the evening. Given the onset of colder temperatures, I find this feeling to be magical.

Valuing Time Alone.

Choosing to spend time alone may be easy for some and not so easy for others. For me, the vision of cocooning is to encourage a bit of peace and coziness. As an introvert, I enjoy my alone time. I putter around, I read, cook, listen to the radio, or simply gaze out the window. I truly look forward to what I have planned or unplanned for myself. There is also a sense of freedom over what I want to do, how I want to do it and when I want to do something.

Create Your Own Private Hideaway.

If the idea of cocooning appeals to you and you don’t know where to begin, a good starting point is selecting a room that gives you a feeling of ease. The bedroom is my number one pick. It contains a scenic picture, soft blankets, a meditation cushion, smelly candles, and several items that simply make me smile. For you, it may be the living room, the kitchen, the basement, or some other comfortable area of your choosing. If you can, fill your space with objects that bring you pleasure – trinkets, plants, artwork, cushions; the options are endless, but are not intended to break the bank. Be inventive. Here are some possibilities in creating your own space of well-being:

The living room:

  • Cushions everywhere! On the floor, the sofa, wherever your heart desires.
  • A cozy blanket to wrap yourself in warmth.
  • Soft lighting to encourage a relaxing mood.

The bedroom:

  • An aromatherapy diffuser or scented candles that lightly scents the space – think lavender.
  • Calming colour hues that inspire you to mellow out, such as sky-blue, sage-gray, or soft green.
  • Create a corner nook with a chair and few pillows, to be used as a reading space.

Cocooning is an opportunity to do something or simply nothing at all, that is just for you.

Inspiring Thought: Shift your mindset of what it means to be alone. You have a unique opportunity to do all those home comforting things you’ve been wanting to do. This includes taking some time to do nothing at all.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

Know Your Own Worth: Self-Appreciate Yourself Everyday

Looking after yourself should be a non-starter conversation between you and yourself.

October 12, 2020

The summer trees have changed over to autumn colours a couple of weeks ago. A sign that summer has come to an end. Another sign was emails from a couple of coffee shops advertising their autumn beverages. I readily admit that I was excited to receive the notification. Last week I took my first sip of pumpkin spice latte. Memories of cozying up by the fire, hearing my feet crunch leaves through the woods and snuggling under a fleece blanket, passed through my mind. For me, the Autumn equinox signals a time to retreat from and restore all the energy I have given out over the spring and summer months.

Press the Pause Button

Summer was a whirlwind of activity in the city. Thankfully, I could retreat to Raspberry Rock for some rest. However, I felt guilty at times for not doing more at the cabin. There were weekends where my energy was so depleted that I had no desire to get out there and do stuff. I needed to sit and pause, letting my mind flow into a more relaxed state. It is not about me being lazy. It is about me revitalizing myself by telling my body, mind and spirit to just be. Some may call it meditation, connecting with the breath or simply silence. I call it self-care.

Appreciate Yourself

Looking after yourself should be a non-starter conversation between you and yourself. Sounds like a huge task if you are not used to it. You got this. There are many articles on self-care for you to explore. Find what resonates with you. A good beginning is self-appreciation, which means being thankful for you and all that you bring into this life. Think of it as being grateful for what you have within you. Consider these thoughts of kindfulness:

  • Thankful for your physical body – focus on what you have, rather than what you don’t have.
  • Grateful for your natural awesomeness – don’t rely on others to validate what a great person you are.
  • Appreciative of your vulnerabilities – be your authentic self instead of putting on a show.

Self-Appreciation asks you to thankfully appreciate yourself for all that you are.

Inspiring Thought:

Stop and realize all the amazing accomplishments you have achieved in your life – at work, in the home, for family and friends. WOW!

Wishing you a wonderful week!

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

Ease with the Uneasy

Be your own intervention in learning how to disrupt stress and find relaxation.

August 7, 2020

As summer passes by, all too quickly for my liking, life has been hectic during the week and beautifully restful on the weekend. When life seems like it is unraveling, how do you encourage ease with the uneasy? Earlier this morning was I doing a yoga routine out on the deck. The scenery was peaceful as I looked out upon the beaver pond. The birds were singing, the sun was shining and there was a slight breeze in the air. What a great setting to do yoga, or so I thought. One of the poses was causing me grief. How could I ease into the pose rather than let it defeat me? This is where the power of the breath comes in, helping me focus on the simplicity of my actions. The pose did not get the better of me.

Living with Ease

It would be wonderful if life were always easy breezy. Some may read the phrase, ‘easy breezy’ and interpret it as carefree. To me, it has another meaning – may I be at ease with my life, despite what comes across my path. May I be at ease with life’s ups and downs, instead of constantly stressed. Living with ease involves active day-to-day engagement, as opposed to clinging on to an idyllic image of a perfectly happy existence.

Claim Your Space

It is easy for me to suggest simplifying your life by slowing down more, doing a bit of meditation, or striking a yoga pose, but where does that get you? It takes regular practice to a point where it becomes a habit in your daily living to realize the benefits of living with ease.

This is where space and time comes in. The constant go, go, go does the body, mind and spirit a disservice. Quick fixes to issues are band-aid solutions and may not heal you. Slow it down. Honour yourself with the time you deserve. Move at your own pace. Intentionally carve out me-time to reflect and acknowledge that work on you needs to be done.

Be your own intervention in learning how to disrupt stress and find relaxation instead.

Inspiring thought:

Notice the next time you pick up a cup. Are the muscles in your arm more tense than they need to be? Pause. Instead, gently reach and pick up the cup rather than anxiously grabbing it.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

Recharge Your Battery

Carving out time to recharge your battery in an effort to balance your physical well-being can be helpful if you feel drained.

August 1, 2020

This past week we got a new battery for our solar power system. It will be a good thing here at the off-grid cabin as the current battery system is on its last legs and well overdue to be replaced. I like to think of the overhaul of the battery system as a way to recharge. At times, life needs a bit of a recharge, whether it be at home, work or whatever the case may be. The other day I went for some physical therapy as a way to recharge my body. I find it fascinating when the therapist comes across one of my ‘angry’ muscles and then works through the tangled knots. We spoke about the importance of recharging the body. The therapist likened it to an oil change. We need regular maintenance, and, in a way, it is beneficial to recharge the body, mind and spirit.

How do you invite more opportunities to recharge in your life right now?

Get Moving

Not everyone has access to a physical therapist. Here are a few ways to incorporate some do it yourself activities to recharge yourself physically. Stretch at least five minutes a day if you can. Maybe it is a few lion roars that centres on your face, or maybe it is simply lying down on the floor and doing a full body stretch. Feel that crunchy spine elongate. Get moving and exercise for 20 minutes. Burning off some energy does not mean you have to run a marathon. Exercise should be enjoyable, motivating you to keep with it. A walk in the woods, a hike on a scenic trail, do what feels good. There have been many times I would just rather chill. Once I get going and finish my activity, I feel that much better for it.

Find Your Jam

Yoga is my jam if I am not in the mood to walk or hop in the treadmill. I like the way yoga incorporates a mindfulness approach and exercise all in one, encouraging a balance of body, mind and spirit.

Be Your Own Boost of Calm

Consider some self-massage using an uplifting essential oil blended with a carrier oil. I have come across many videos that have helped me with my achy joints in between my physical therapy visits. A side bonus is the creation of an aromatherapy scent that you can rub onto your body, any time you need a bit of boost or a sense of calm.

Running on exhaust fumes can lead to added dis-ease. Who wants that? Not me. Carving out time to recharge your battery in an effort to balance your physical wellness can be helpful if you feel drained. Your well-being will love you for it. Time to grab the yoga mat and give my body some love.

Be intentional in making time to recharge yourself.

Inspiring thought:

This week, honour yourself with five minutes a day to simply rejuvenate the mind and physical body by simply listening to the sound of your breath.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

Giving in to rest

You are deserving of rest. Let is be part of your regular practice in cultivating wellness and well-being.

July 25, 2020

Rest is important for the body, mind and spirit. A couple of nights this past week, my sleep was interrupted. I felt haggard in the morning, perked up for a bit and crashed in the evening. Whatever I intended to get accomplished did not exactly happen. There are times when my mind tells me I am tired. I lay down for a nap, clear my thoughts, but cannot sleep. Rather than feel frustrated, this simple act of being in a relaxed state makes me feel rested.

Sleep is not the only method of achieving rest.

For me, sitting quietly out on the deck and gazing out across the pond is another form of rest. Eyeing the fire in the wood stove on a cold winter’s night is also restful. Listening to nature sounds – birds chirping, the wind howling or the rain pouring down on the metal roof, all encourage a feeling of rest. Sometimes I need to re-energize from cold symptoms or from an uneasy state of mind. The constant go, go, go depletes my inner core and I can give no more, but instead, give in to rest. Some may view taking time out to rest as a waste of time, being idle and doing nothing. I see it as a time to rejuvenate.

Running on empty can lead to anxious feelings.

Giving yourself permission to do nothing is doing something! It is not an act of laziness. Nor should it be the kind of self-talk whispering in your head, “You are not deserving”. Bah! Put your brain and body to rest with these mindful tips:

  • Simply breathe – There are many breathing exercises out there for you to explore that calms the nervous system, helping you to relax and just be in the moment.
  • Naturescapes – Get out there and connect with nature. Absorb its calming effect. If you don’t want to venture outside, then listen to a rainfall or gaze upon some serene imagery.
  • Focus on softness – Light a candle and watch its glow or if its scented, let the aroma sooth your soul. Lavender is one such fragrance that encourages well-being.
  •  Tune in – Listen to some tranquil music that encourages peaceful vibes. Close your eyes and gently sway to the rhythm.
  • Space out – I’m serious…stare out the window, up at the ceiling or a picture on the wall. Give your eyes and mind a break from technology.
  • Private eyes – Close you eyes, breathe, listen. Take this time to do a mini-meditation if that’s your jam.
  • Tea time – Be with your tea. Herbal tea such as chamomile can be a lovely beverage to settle yourself.
  • Happy thoughts – Think of one thing you are grateful for, smile and be happy. Let those feel-good endorphins overtake you.
  • Strike a pose – There are many yoga poses that encourage relaxation. Think Savasana (corpse pose), Sukhasana (cross-legged seated pose), or Balasana (child’s pose) to name a few.

Take time to regularly check-in with yourself and ask “Am I doing okay?”

Inspiring thought:

You are deserving of rest. Let it be part of your regular practice in cultivating wellness and well-being.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

– Raspberry Rock ASMR

Get your groove on

The one thing I notice about grooves in life is that they come and go.

May 2, 2020

Finding your groove can take a bit of time. Whether it be a new job, settling down in a new city or living life in a different way. It took me the better part of a month to get into the groove of remote working. No longer was I driving to the workplace and immersed in an office environment. I can’t think of a better groove to get into than cabin life. I have mentioned before that it was a bit of an adjustment. Think of a time when you were getting accustomed to a new routine. There may have been times of stress, anxiousness or unease rather than calm.

Change can be a good thing.

How do you make a smooth transition of change instead of being trapped in a zone of negativity? Consider some these mindfulness techniques to connect with your groove:

  • Stop. Yes, simply stop and pause. Acknowledge the whirlwind of activity happening inside you. Slow it down as best as you can. For a moment let everything be still. Breathe.
  • Check in with yourself. What is your mind thinking, how is your body feeling? Quiet the mind from anxious thoughts. Be present in the moment and visualize all the good occurring in your life. Do a quick body scan. Send a soft pink light to any pain points. Imagine those achy bits transform themselves into strong muscle, tissue and matter. Breathe.
  • Reflect on how you want to grow in this area of your life. We may not understand why we go through life experiences, especially unfavourable ones. Turn those around and think of them as an opportunity to thrive. Breathe.
  • Reframe your mindset. Turn any negative thoughts into a positive energy. Focus on the bright spots. Bring in some gratitude and appreciate what you have in the here and now. Breathe.

Hello and goodbye.

The one thing I notice about grooves in my life is that they come and go. There often seems to be another one on the horizon waiting for me. Embracing the change, it brings me requires a bit of mindful attentiveness on my part. Realizing the good that can come out of it is a supportive outlook.

Get into a happy groove that is bright and positive.

Inspiring thought:

Release and let go of one negative thought you are holding on to, if only for a few moments. Savour the lightness within you and let this feeling be with you throughout the day.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

– Raspberry Rock ASMR

Connecting with earth’s essence

…seeing plants come to life, touching the soil and the earthy smell, all contribute to some lovely energy healing.

April 17, 2020

The plans for our garden continue to evolve. Earlier this month I began seedlings of broccoli, tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers and celery. I wished them well in their growth and hoped that at least one seed would sprout. A green thumb does not come naturally to me. To my complete surprise the broccoli emerged a few days later. A huge smile spread a cross my face. There is a chance that the other seeds may catch too. The tomatoes were next to sprout. Amazing! I was in the city for a few days this week and returned to the cabin with some scotch bonnet pepper seeds. As I was tucking them into the soil, I noticed the celery peeking out from their pots. Some may think I am over the top with excitement. I like to think of it as an alternative health remedy in supporting my body, mind, and spirit.

Rooting out stress and rooting into calm

Gardening can support us on so many levels. If you can, give it a try. Consider these benefits:

  • Say hello to nature – I am a big fan of nature and all that it has to offer us. Nature is everywhere! Even if you live in the city, you can find specks of nature. I do not have a garden back in the city, but I do have house plants. Tending to them still enables me to connect with a form of nature. Potted herbs on a windowsill or kitchen counter can have the same effect, with the added benefit of using them in creating your next gourmet meal.
  • Wellness for your body – Physical activity does the body good. If you are thinking of another way to spice up your exercise routine, gardening may be just the thing. Just like raking leaves, shovelling snow, gardening can also burn calories and build strength. Pulling weeds or planting flowers can burn 200 to 400 calories per hour with the bending, getting up and down, reaching, etc. Be careful in how you do these activities. Gentle stretches beforehand can warm up the body and prevent muscle strain. We manually tilled our small patch of garden at the cabin – what a workout! Let’s not forget the juicy vitamin D your body will absorb being out in the sun.
  • Wellness for your mind – Digging around the garden, seeing plants come to life, touching the soil and the earthy smell, all contribute to some lovely energy healing. The mere contact with the earth gives me a sense of grounding and a more balanced feeling. The intentional act of planting seedlings can be transformative as I imagine myself growing and developing. Watering and weeding encourage a sense of calm. Caring for the garden puts me in tune with caring for myself. Regularly tending to my self-care enables me to thrive. Think of gardening as a state of flow that can be quite therapeutic.
  • Sustainability – We may not have reaped in an abundance of crops. What little we have produced makes us feel good. Our vegetables are fresh, organic and taste flavourful. If we manage one of these years to harvest a good selection of healthy veggies, we can save on the rising costs of buying. Self-sustainability can also help us through times of natural disasters or if food supply chains deplete; alleviating some worry of where we can access food.

Gardening is full of health-giving benefits just for you.

Inspiring thought:

Alternative health remedies are available in a variety of forms. Explore the possibilities.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

– Raspberry Rock ASMR

Building up resilience during uncertainty

In times of uncertainty, we all have it within us to be resilient and not let matters get the better of us.

March 28, 2020

How to do you stay strong in times of adversity? These days it is so easy to get swept up in all the attention around COVID-19. I told myself that I purposely would not blog about it, but here I am doing the exact opposite. There are several things the pandemic has taught me – emergency management, preparedness, self-care and wellness.

Navigating the winding road of life

An area I’m working on is building up my resilience in moving through and past whatever comes my way. I’m certainly not an expert on resilience, but what I can do is share with you some of what I practice. It may just resonate with you.

  • Smile – Better yet, laugh! Super easy to do and it releases yummy endorphins into your body. Look at a picture, watch a movie or glance outside at nature’s beauty. There are so many things to smile about, one them being you!
  • Breathe – Sounds simple, but it requires attention and focus. Try a one-minute breathing exercise: Gently breathe in from your belly area to the count of four, then breath out to the count of four. A great way to oxygenate your entire body.
  • Journal – Do a mind dump and get it out whatever is inside you on to paper, post-it notes, computer or a journal. Think of journaling as a tool to release and let go. Why not list five things in your life you are grateful for to get you into that positive mindset.
  • Intention – Set an intention to carry you throughout the day. It can be a simple word or phrase that resonates with you, such as, “Today I am calm”. Softly whisper your intention to yourself when you need a boost of encouragement.
  • Fresh Air – I am fortunate enough that I can get outside and enjoy all that nature has to offer here at Raspberry Rock. You don’t need a forest in your backyard to enjoy the benefits of fresh air. Open your window and feel the air touch you skin. While you’re at it, take in the view. Notice what you notice. It might just make you smile.

In times of uncertainty, we all have it within us to be resilient and not let matters get the better of us.

Inspiring thought:

May you be kindfully strong with yourself and with others.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

– Raspberry Rock ASMR

Change with Intention

The change of the seasons encourages me to spring forward with new intentions.

March 14, 2020

On the ATV ride in to the cabin yesterday, the wind was fierce. Looking up, I noticed how the trees swayed back and forth. When the sun peeked out, the birch trees were startlingly bright against the backdrop of the dark grey clouds. I was so glad to be heading back home to Raspberry Rock. The trail looked so much different from two weeks ago. There was less snow and more icy conditions.

The property itself was also changing. The smaller frozen patches of swamp were beginning to thaw. Little rushes of water emerged to take their place. It was like I was seeing land for the first time again and was totally in awe. As we approached the ‘bridge of doom’, two beautifully elegant swans were sitting in the surrounding beaver pond. It was such a welcoming sign of the Spring season that is about to arrive.

Change is in the air.

The change of the season encourages me to spring forward with new intentions. One of the mindfulness cards I read this past week spoke of intentions. The jist of the message was to fully understand what your intention is before you act. Knee-jerk reactions may do more harm than good. You know that saying, “think before you speak”. It’s more than just thinking. Think about what you intend the outcomes to be. Are you actions purely to satisfy your own self-interest? Are your actions to help someone in need? Are your actions to spite someone?

Notice your intentions

I use intention in this case as a person-to-person context, but your intentions can be directed to an object, the environment, etc. The mindfulness card held such a simple message and yet, so powerful. When I’m feeling uncertain about a situation, my emotions can fluctuate. I have it within me to be calm and balanced, and not let questionable intentions get the better of me.

Be true to you.

This means taking a pause and considering my intentions before I act. Does this work every time? No, but I’m working on it as part of my daily mindfulness living. My intention today is to get outside with Willow and Junebug and fill myself with the wonderful energy of Raspberry Rock.

Inspiring Thought:

Allow yourself to take a pause when you need, tapping into your inner-self to regain your sense of balance. You will love yourself for it.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

– Raspberry Rock ASMR

Give in to self-love

Let’s get over the notion that focusing on ourselves is a sign of selfishness. It isn’t.

February 14, 2020

On my drive up to the cabin yesterday, the radio station I listen to was relentlessly pushing Valentine’s Day in between its playlist. I almost switched stations as I could no longer endure this commercialized rambling. The announcer kept on about dinner dates, flowers, and a jewelry store was featured during each advertisement segment. Ugh! I’m not knocking down Valentine’s Day, but you can see how there is big money in it.

Decommercializing love

As I braced myself for the announcer to launch into another segment, the tide shifted. There was recognition that not everyone wants to celebrate the day. The conversation turned to self-love and spending time on yourself. This day of romance didn’t need to focus on relationships with others. The announcer also proposed expressing love through kindness towards others. For example, volunteering, getting together with friends, or simply saying thank you to someone. Yes, this is what I needed to hear. It’s not about spending money to show how much you love someone. It can be about self-love and effortless acts of kindness.

Spend time loving you

One of my colleagues asked me if I was going out for a fancy dinner. My response was that I don’t need a special day to show my love. My love for Russell is expressed every day. That’s just me. There certainly isn’t anything wrong with celebrating the day and I don’t mean to be a downer on it, though it may seem that I am. What I’m trying to point out is sometimes we forget about loving ourselves. Valentine’s Day can be a reminder to check-in on our self-care. It can serve as a reflection to figure out what you need to love you.

At times, I need space. A space that can give me a chance to go inward and rejuvenate. I have given a lot of myself to others this past month and a half. Being at the cabin this weekend, after a bit of a hiatus is most welcomed in my self-care routine. Willow and Junebug have been a great source of alternative healing, which is much needed. It shows me how much I miss my happy place and need my happy place for my body, mind and spirit.

Self-love is an act of kindness

Some may think self-love is selfish. Let’s get over the notion that focusing on ourselves is a sign of selfishness. It isn’t. If we don’t care for ourselves, how are we of benefit to ourselves, much less anyone else. My self-love is a major source in cultivating my well-being. I’m good with that.

Indulge in loving yourself. You are so worth it.

Inspiring thought:

Allow yourself to take a pause when you need, tapping into your inner-self to regain your sense of balance. You will love yourself for it.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

– Raspberry Rock ASMR

Pushing past the edge of your comfort zone

What I do know is when a situation presents itself, I can reach for the appropriate mind tool to suit my needs.

February 9, 2020

Who likes to push past their comfort zone? Not me. I’m quite happy with my environment of everything being somewhat orderly and routine. Yet, if I think my path of well-being it has been anything but easy. Last year, I went beyond my comfort zone by putting myself out there through videos, podcasts and my blog posts. I visited the ‘edge’.

What is this ‘edge’?

A friend and I had a reflective conversation last night and they shared with me the concept of the ‘edge’. It’s not going to the ledge of a cliff, but rather a subtle connection with discomfort – your personal discomfort. Imagine the lid of a cup. At the very centre is the safe spot, where I can live quite happily all the time. However, life gets the in way and I tend to run away from discomfort. Where does running away get me? Some sense of safety I guess, but the issue remains and sooner or later I may need to face it.

Now imagine visiting the edge of the lid of the cup and hanging out there for a bit. I liken it to looking discomfort directly in the eye and naming what I feel – anxiety, unease, etcetera. It’s almost like being a voyeur to the emotional self. I allow myself to sit there a bit. It can be icky and messy. This is where I can use my well-being tools to help me disrupt the conflict and proceed back to the centre, where there is ease.

As hard as it may be to visit the ‘edge’, it can help me cultivate well-being.

As we ended our conversation, my brain was full. Just when I thought I had this well-being journey mapped out, along comes this detour. Does it make me feel discouraged? I readily admit it made me feel exhausted, but I took the time to process the concept and how it could be of benefit to me. In a way I’m building up my resilience to overcome any drama that comes my way. I’m holding and giving space for me to safely navigate unknown waters.

Not every well-being tool that I discover is going to be part of my toolkit. I know me best and I choose what is best for me. What I do know is when a situation presents itself, I can reach for the appropriate mind tool to suit my needs. The ‘edge’ isn’t for everyone, nor do I suggest everyone try it, as going too far out may compromise the mindset.

Reflect on advice given, keeping in check your psychological safety at all times.

Inspiring thought:

There is a lot of advice out there on the interweb. Do what is right for you in your journey, remembering the road is forever winding.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

– Raspberry Rock ASMR

Living with true intention

I am not one to make resolutions, but rather set my sights on intentions that inspire a sense of wellness.

January 4, 2020

I have spent the last few days reflecting on the past year. There is so much to be grateful for – Raspberry Rock, creating Raspberry Rock ASMR as a system of support for everyone and most importantly continuing to evolve on my path of cultivating well-being.

As you reflect on the past year, what are the good things that have transpired for you?

While there have been some high points, there have also been lows. It’s during those times that my practice of mindfulness has helped me break through those dark days. I am not one to make resolutions, but rather set my sights on intentions that inspire a sense of wellness. With this mindset, my journey continues at a slow and steady pace. Life is not a race. It’s about holding space for living life!

Balancing this thing called life

Yesterday, I watched a snippet of video in which a person mapped out their daily 24-hour schedule. Much of the time was allotted to work with very little sleep or rest. I recall something like three hours was spent at the gym and work occurred during the day and from 10pm to 1am. The person is a successful entrepreneur, but I wonder how balanced their body, mind and spirit is.

Thrive to be alive

Some people thrive in at a certain pace, but what about taking those moments to pause, reflect, breathe? My work week consumes 40 hours of my life and that does not include travel time or overtime. There are times throughout the year, where life can get hectic and I hear my body whispering to me to slow it down. With intention, I try my best to honour myself.

Listen to those gentle nudges

Rather than setting resolutions, which seems so short term and rigid, I prefer to set intentions, which are free-flowing and holds longevity. I’m on a journey here. When things get ratty in the year, my mindset will gently nudge me towards my positive intentions to live a life of well-being. They include a bit of introspection in which I ask myself:

  • What am I grateful for?
  • What things make me happy?
  • What can I do to bring about positive change?

These questions ask to me pause, be aware and be attentive of me. It is also asking me to be mindful of all that is around me, both balance and imbalance. Intentions can minimize these states of flux and instill a sense of “I got this”.

As we move into the new year, honour all that has transpired for you in the past year – the good, the bad, the neutral. Let it go.

Inspiring thought:

Invite the new year in with heartfelt intention, feel its essence and let this energy encourage newfound brightness into your life.

Wishing you a wonderful week! 

– Raspberry Rock ASMR