Natural Awareness

“Natural awareness may be considered as a mind that is fully present without distractions.”

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

Reclaim Yourself

“By being in the moment, we can reclaim ourselves, reclaim those lost minutes, and deepen the connection within us to live a more fuller life.”

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

Energy Healing

“You may be wondering if energy healing requires you to be spiritual. What is does require is an open mind to wholeheartedly receive all the benefits it has to offer your body and mind.”

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

The good, the bad, the neutral

“What if during those times of reliving the past, we could detach ourselves enough to relax the physiological responses of the body and to also quiet the mind into a bit of stillness and awareness of what is going on inside us.”

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

Summer Solstice Reflections

“The intent is to do something for you that will lead to exploration, growth and vitality of life during the season of the sun.”

-Raspberry Rock ASMR


“When you need to reconnect with yourself, consider taking a visualization journey to a place in nature, be it the park, a wooded trail, the beach, a rain forest, anywhere that nature resides. Feel the positive energy of this place in nature move throughout you.

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

ASMR Animal Spirits Wilderness Cabin

Namaste in Paradise

“I was so far ahead of myself, not paying attention to the true intent of the vacation, which was to relax!”

-Raspberry Rock ASMR

Being With Your Tea

Internal Home

“Whatever you call it, we each have it within ourselves the capability and ability to bring ourselves back to this place of centre.”

-Raspberry Rock ASMR